Reflections On Our Recent Medical Trip To Haiti by Lisa Haggard
As I pondered what to share for this blog, I realized that since coming home from our recent medical trip to Haiti, there is a common theme to what I share about the trip with the folks back home who ask about our adventures. First of all, I usually ask if they have seen our pictures on Facebook, since it is nearly impossible to put the “feel” of Haiti into words. Photos, while still inadequate, are a good start to understanding the beauty and sorrow that is Haiti. I then usually take people through our photos and explain to them where we are and what we are doing. By this time in the conversation, I find myself getting more and more animated as I tell of our adventures and our interesting and varied encounters. We cover many miles, all filled with images and experiences that are so very different from our own lives back in the States. Our pictures end with the photos of the children at the school in Pont Sonde.

And that is the clincher for me. It is as I am showing these photos of all the beautiful children that are so happy and thriving at the school that Practical Compassion helped to build that there is a crescendo that takes place in my heart! I glow with pride and joy at the goodness of the Lord and the absolute privilege it is to be a part of His “doings” in Haiti! I usually say something like, “Aren’t the children beautiful?” The reflection of those faces penetrate our hearts….and we await eagerly our return to our family in Haiti.